Funders & Donors

As a non-profit organization, we depend on the generosity of our community to enhance programs and equipment. We are thankful for School District 69 for their ongoing funding and to all our sponsors, funders and donors.

If you would like to discuss how you can contribute to Oceanside BLT in cash or in kind, we would love to hear from you, please contact the office.

We gratefully acknowledge donors on our website and social media platforms unless requested not to.

Revenue Sources Fiscal Year
Ending June 2020

Grants and funding received in 2021
and where the funds are directed:

StrongStart–School District 69 & Ministry for Children and Family Development – Munchkinlands, the WOW Bus, Saturday Breakfast Club
Decoda Literacy – Technology Learning Centre (TLC)
United Way Active Aging ++ – Technology Learning Centre (TLC2G0)
BC Gaming Community Grant – TLC, TLC2Go, and Saturday Breakfast Club
Parksville Grant-in-Aid & Parksville/Qualicum Foundation – Books for Babes
Canada Summer Jobs – Storybook Village student

B&H Repairs

Brooks Canada

Our most recent major fundraising event, A Story to Tell, was held in November 2019 and was a sell-out, surpassed our goals and gained many new supporters. 

We’re very grateful to the following people and businesses that helped make the Silent Auction a success.  

“A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.” 

– Buddha