OBLT Initiatives
Books for Babes
Books for Babes was born in February 2002 and have been delivered to over 3,000 families in Oceanside when they have a newborn. Island Health, Regional District of Nanaimo, Oceanside BLT and community volunteers join together to present a special gift for new parents: a bag lovingly hand made, with a book or two and community resources inside. These bags are delivered by Public Health Nurses on their home visit to parents and new babies.
Why do we do this? Researchers tell us that a critical time for learning is between birth and 3 years of age. Early quality experiences help to determine how a baby’s brain develops.
Babies that are read to, sung to, talked to and played with develop strong vocabulary and language – the basis for reading and writing. They learn important social skills and they build the most vital muscle of all: attachment.
“A good heart is better than all the heads in the world.”